B-17F-60-BO: 42-29532 bis 42-29631
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 2nd Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 20th Bomb Squadron
Einsätze: 63
Geschichte der
B-17 42-29602 / Evil Eye Egbert
Delivered Cheyenne 15/1/43; Salina 23/1/43; Kearney 26/2/43; Morrison 9/3/43; Assigned 20BS/2BG Navarin 4/4/43; Chateau-du-Rhumel 27/4/43; Ain M’Lila 17/6/43; Massicault 31/7/43; Bizerte 2/12/43; Amendola 9/12/43; Missing in Action Porto Civitanova 24/1/44 with Chas Watkins, Co-pilot: Ernie Blanton, Navigator: Erwin Rubenstein, Bombardier: John Hazlett{Wounded in Action}, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Chas Geiger, Radio Operator: L.E. Perkins, Ball turret gunner: Jack Bristol, Waist gunner: Clyde Bridges, Waist gunner: Edwin Eubanks,Tail gunner: Vivian Brody{Wounded in Action} (10 Returned to Duty), ditched mile off Bari, crew rescued by two small Italian boats.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2. Januar 2020
31. Juli 2024 access_time 5:07
My uncle Preston Thomas Cook front row far left was tail gunner for first 25 + missions before rotation to States promoting war bonds I would like any history of their missions .