B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-29641
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Delivered Cheyenne 26/1/43; Salina 9/2/43; Assigned: 422BS/305BG [JJ-V] Chelveston 21/3/43; MIA Nantes 4/7/43 Pilot: Frank Scott, Co-Pilot: Bob Brazeal, Navigator: Bill Bailey, Bombardier: Leslie Stone, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Marvin Williams, Radio Operator: Ray Malaby, Ball Turret Gunner: John Kowalski, Waist Gunner: Frank Hatzke, Waist Gunner: Aubrey King, Tail Gunner: Albert King (10KIA); flak set radio room on fire SE of Belgium. e Isle, W of St Nazaire, crashed Bay of Biscay. MACR 4483. BLACK SWAN.