B-17F-130-BO: 42-30932 bis 42-31031
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 92nd Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 407th Bomb Squadron
- RCL: PY-
MACR: 3225
Geschichte der
B-17 42-31022
Delivered Cheyenne 3/9/43; Scott 25/9/43; Assigned 407BS/92BG [PY- ] Podington 23/11/43; Missing in Action Augsburg 16/3/44 with George Starks, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Donovan Edgerly, Radio Operator: Bob Williams, Ball turret gunner: Bill Wyatt, Waist gunner: Arden Brenden, Waist gunner: Wallace Trinder (6EVD-both wgs, probably evd); Co-pilot: Dale Berry, Navigator: Ed Badder, Bombardier: Irving Baum,Tail gunner: Rich Morse (4 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft set wing on fire, crashed Vitry-le-Francois, Marne, Fr; Missing Air Crew Report 3225.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Juli 2017
12. November 2018 access_time 22:15
Read a newly released book titled “Coffin Corner Boys”, by Carole Engle Avriett regarding this plane and it’s crew!
Tells story of the Bomber, 10 Men and their harrowing escape from Nazi-Occupied France.
24. Mai 2020 access_time 14:38
Art, I’m guessing you are related to Don? I am Bill Wyatt’s son.
16. Mai 2024 access_time 1:16
Art, I am Ted Badder’s former daughter in law and would like to be in touch with any surviving member’s from this air crew. Please share my contact information with anyone in the group. I would appreciate any correspondence.
Johni Badder-Fahey
27. April 2023 access_time 11:52
My Great Uncle was the Co-Pilot, Dale Beery. I was fascinated with his story as a child, but he never said much about his experience. He stated that everyone lived and he was in a POW camp for the rest of the war. I did not know about the Coffin Corner Boys book or that six of the crew evaded capture. I did not know about much about his mission or where their target was, only it was his first mission and he was a B-17 pilot. Now that I know about this book, I hope I can piece together his experience a bit better. I live in Germany today, and love WWII history.
16. Mai 2024 access_time 1:20
James, Yours is the most recent comment I see in this thread. I am Ted Badder’s former daughter in law and I would appreciate communicating with any surviving family members from this air crew.
Johni Badder-Fahey