B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-31099

Delivered Cheyenne 20/9/32; Gt Falls 2/10/43; Scott 22/10/43; Assigned 401BG Deenethorpe 8/11/43; transferred 532BS/381BG [VE-G] Ridgewell 21/11/43; Missing in Action 8m Frankfurt 11/2/44 with Bob Laux, Navigator: Phlemon Wright, Bombardier: Judson Doyle, Radio Operator: Abe Helfgott, Ball turret gunner: Rich Hamilton, Left Waist gunner: Tom Glennan, Right Waist gunner: Rudolph Cutino (7 EVD-six back in UK 26/3/44, Doyle by 30/9/44); Co-pilot: Don Harrer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Holton,Tail gunner: Henry Barr (3 Prisoner of War); flak, crashed SE of Forges-Les-Eaux, about two miles SW of Illois, 15 miles W of Poix-de-Picardie, Fr; Missing Air Crew Report 2431. TENABOVE.