B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-31582 / Ol’ Scrapiron

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31582 / Ol’ Scrapiron


MACR: 13617


Geschichte der
B-17 42-31582 / Ol’ Scrapiron

Delivered Cheyenne 26/11/43; Paine Fd 28/11/43; Toledo 1/12/43; Felts Fd 4/12/43; Gt falls 5/12/43; Cheyenne 7/12/43; Kearney 19/12/43; Detroit 8/1/44; Montreal 10/1/44; Presque 12/1/44; Assigned 711BS/447BG Rattlesden 23/1/44; Missing in Action Holzwickede 23/3/45 with Chas Bruckman, Ivan Gerwig, John Gorman, Ed Blattner, Tom Iveans, John Collette, Carlton Highley (8 Killed in Action); Edmund Shibble, Byron Schlag (2 Returned to Duty); force landed continent. Missing Air Crew Report 13617; Salvaged 8/4/45. OL’ SCRAPIRON.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2. März 2018


B-17 42-31582 / Ol’ Scrapiron Details

B-17 #43-38971 wurde von der Flak getroffen und kollidierte mit #42-31582 / Ol’ Scrapiron.

Aus MACR 13617:

At 1347 hours, 27000 ft. altitude, the A/C flying No. 11 position of the 34th Group was hit by flak and peeled off to the left. After glancing off A/C of the 487th Group, No. 11 struck A/C #582 who went into a tight spin. The right wing folded and there was one explosion within the A/C in mid-air. #582 then hit the ground in a wooded area and exploded again. 2 chutes were observed. Coordinates were approximately 5040-0740. This report corroborated by 93rd Wing, 34th Bomb Group and 487th Bomb Group.


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