B-17G-35-BO: 42-31932 bis 42-32116
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 379th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 524th Bomb Squadron
Einsätze: 117
Geschichte der
B-17 42-32024 / Swamp Fire
Delivered Cheyenne 15/1/44; Gr Island 30/1/44; Assigned 524BS/379BG [WA-L] Kimbolton 20/2/44; first in group to 100m to Gelsenkirchen 1/11/44, with Bruce Mills, Co-pilot: Carl Shedlock, Navigator: John McCray, Bombardier: Jim Whitney, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Delmer Menger, Radio Operator: Joe Cooper, Ball turret gunner: Jim Boston, Waist gunner: Lucas Conner,Tail gunner: Bill Beddard;, dec W/W 11/12/44; transferred Alconbury 1/6/45; Returned to the USA 121 BU Bradley 12/7/45; 4185 BU Independence 14/7/45; 4136 BU Tinker 16/12/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 29/12/45. SWAMP FIRE.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 19. Juni 2020
B-17 42-32024 / Swamp Fire Details
Erste B-17, die 100 Einsätze (1. November 1944) geflogen ist. 42-32024 ‘Swamp Fire’ kam auf insgesamt 117 Einsätze bevor Sie in die USA zurückkehrte.
08. Oktober 2019 access_time 18:00
You have most of this correct but you have mixed up the descriptions between 42-32024 and 42-32025. The Lt Mills Crew was assigned to the 524th BS of the 379th BG and flew Swamp Fire on 01 Nov 1944 to become the first heavy Bomber in the 8th USAAF to reach 100 Missions without an abort. M/Sgt Dominick DeSalvo was her Ground Crew Chief.
09. Oktober 2019 access_time 11:10
Hello Richard,
thank you for the informtion.
Updated the history of both B-17s.
Hope it’s correct now.
05. Juni 2020 access_time 12:56
Swamp Fire’s total missions in air combat was 117. She flew 114 air combat mission consecutively without an abort. She was forced to return to base on her 115th mission thus ending her record. on 11 December 1944 after a rough landing (her third one in the last four missions) it was decide to declare her War Weary. She flew her last six mission without a Chin or Ball Turret. She was sent to Alconbury where she flew about 30 Missions as a weather ship before returning to the US.
19. Juni 2020 access_time 15:00
Thank you! Updated the number of combar missions from 114 to 117.
26. Juni 2022 access_time 17:56
Thank You Richard Lewis and the creators of this website. I loved listening to my grandfathers stories growing up. The story of taking the Swamp Fire to its 100th mission was one of his favorites.
05. Januar 2024 access_time 23:12
When at Alconbury she was refurbished and renamed The Scopion. This was done for her to be used as a weather ship. The Ground Crew Cgeif assigned to Scorpion was an accomplished Pilot wit a four engine Certification and asked if he could use Swamp Fire/Scorpion to fly her back to the ZOI Bradley Field, Hewas granted permission but only if he replaced all of her engines and put 200 hours on them. He flew 18 Airmen back to the US. I have a photo of them at Bradley Field. How can I send it to you for publication?