B-17F-50-DL: 42-3339 bis 42-3393
Geschichte der
B-17 42-3339
Delivered Denver 20/5/43; Dyersburg 14/7/43; Dalhart 14/8/43; 330 BU Dyersburg 1/3/44; 327 BU Drew 15/5/43; 4124 BU Altus 5/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 9/10/45.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 25. August 2017
12. Mai 2018 access_time 20:35
Block 50-DL see about when the revised, angled K type cheek mounts showbup on the F-DL. If thisvwas initiated at the factory as block change or at the mod centers as a TO change in yet to be rediscovered. Nonetheless, this is the timeframe of the productions that exhibit the improvement.
Phil (Flip) Marchese
B-17 modification researcher