B-17F-45-BO: 42-5250 bis 42-5349
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 483rd Bomb Group
- 97th Bomb Group
- 99th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 340th Bomb Squadron
- 346th Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 42-5338 / Ye Old Battle Axe
Delivered Tulsa 10/11/42; West Palm Beach 11/12/42; Assigned 340BS/97BG Biskra 31/12/42; Chateau-du-Rhumel 8/2/43; Pont-du-Fahs 1/8/43; Depienne 15/8/43; transferred 346BS/99BG Oudna 14/11/43; Tortorella 11/12/43; {22m/99} 483BG Tortorella 31/3/44; Sterparone 22/4/44; retUS Morrison 5/5/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Ontario, Cal 29/6/45. YE OLD BATTLE AXE.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 25. Mai 2018
09. Januar 2021 access_time 3:52
My grandfather, Lt Col Henry M. Williams, was the pilot of this B-17 and I have full notes of every mission. I also have the names of the other crew members.
09. August 2021 access_time 21:01
This is a shot in the dark, but was one of the crewmembers named Robert M. Moffitt? He’s my great great uncle and through research I’ve pinned down that he flew in the 97th Bomb Group under the 340th Bomb Squadron as a tail gunner but other than that I’ve reached a dead end in my research. Any information would be much appreciated!
29. November 2022 access_time 2:32
@Lee Williams I’m trying to wrap up my book that I’m writing, and I’m looking for a pic of Ye Old Battle Axe to include in my book. My grandpa flew Ye Old Battle Axe on two mission with the 99th Bomb Group. Please send me an email to:
05. Juni 2023 access_time 22:11
Hello Lee, I am trying to reach you about your Grandfather’s service. I have some questions and possibly some information for you. Would you mind emailing me at Thank you!
05. Oktober 2022 access_time 5:44
I will check for you