B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-5341

Delivered Denver 16/12/42; West Palm Beach 9/1/43; Assigned 427BS/303BG [GH-Q] Molesworth 7/2/43; severe battle damaged Bernberg 20/2/44 with Bob Hullar, Co-pilot: Capt Dick Dubell, Navigator: Elmer Brown, Bombardier: McCormick, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: , Radio Operator: , Ball turret gunner: , Waist gunner: , Waist gunner: Merlin Miller, t/obs-Lt E. Greenwood (10 Returned to Duty); repaired and transferred 1 Base Air Depot, Burtonwood 7/4/44; Returned to the USA Tinker 6/1/45. Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 9/10/45. SCARLET HARLOT aka VAT 69 aka VICIOUS VIRGIN.