B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-97120

Delivered Cheyenne 29/1/44; Gr Island 15/2/44; Kearney 29/2/44; Assigned 336BS/95BG [ET-E] Horham 3/3/44; {47m}, Missing in Action Regensburg 21/7/44 with Henry Laird, Co-pilot: Fred Clark, Navigator: Bill Gifford, Bombardier: Ordway Gates, Radio Operator: Pat Tortora, Ball turret gunner: Bill Shuster (6 evaded capture); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Royce McMinn, Waist gunner: Chas Kalil, Waist gunner: Ed James,Tail gunner: Frank Gregg (4 Prisoner of War); one engine out and feathered, bombs salvoed, two more engines out and crew bailed, crashed Bissen W of Eittelbruck, Lux. Missing Air Crew Report 7410.