B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 43-38300

Márton T.-B. via email
Delivered Cheyenne 18/7/44; Kearney 27/7/44; Grenier 8/8/44; Assigned 391BS/34BG Mendlesham 10/8/44; Missing in Action Mannheim 19/10/44 with Chas Halbert, Co-pilot: Jack Ragland, Navigator: Tom Gribbook, tog-Jack Flarty, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Goeteshcius, Radio Operator: Alvin Drost, Ball turret gunner: Larry Frederickson, foto-Manuel Markes,Tail gunner: John Minnick (9 Killed in Action); Waist gunner: Leon Fix (Prisoner of War); flak, crashed Ludwigshafen, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 9467. MAIL CALL.