Boeing B-17E: 41-2393 bis 41-2669
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 19th Bomb Group
- 43rd Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 435th Bomb Squadron
- 65th Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 41-2666 / Old 666 aka Lucy
Delivered Minneapolis 9/3/42; Assigned 435BS/19BG Hawaii 5/5/42; transferred 65BS/43BG; when on mission to Bougainville 16/6/43 with Jay Zeamer, who along with crewmate Joe Sarnoski (Killed in Action) earned Medal of Honor for great bravery, pilot & 5 others all WIA; after repair transferred 8PRS; Returned to the USA 4134 BU Spokane 22/3/44; 423 BU Walla Walla 4/7/44; 2137 BU Hendricks 29/7/44; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Albuquerque 9/8/45. OLD 666 aka LUCY.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 6. Januar 2018
20. Juni 2019 access_time 7:44
during a mapping run this plane came up against 14 Japanese fighters this plane was credited with at least 5 Japanese fighter killed during this run at the cost of one crew member.