B-17F-85-BO: 42-30032 bis 42-30131
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 100th Bomb Group
- 96th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 413th Bomb Squadron
- 418th Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 42-30066 / Mugwump aka Rum Boogie II
Delivered Cheyenne 6/4/43; Gore 14/4/43; Kearney 16/4/43; Wendover 2/5/43; Hill 16/5/43; Kearney 22/5/43; Dow Fd 30/5/43; Assigned 413BS/96BG [MZ-X] Andrews Fd 2/6/43; RUM BOOGIE II; transferred 418BS/100BG [LD-U] Thorpe Abbotts 9/6/43; as war weary F transferred from RCM 803BS to Aphrodite project Knettishall, UK. Missing in Action Heligoland 30/10/44 with Lts G. Barnes & R. McCauley; apparently ‘Mother’ lost contact, A/C went out of control and crashed Trollhättan, Sweden, the crater still exists. MUGWUMP.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 6. Januar 2018
26. November 2019 access_time 13:01
Some more data on the drone’s last mission:
Control was not totally lost, so it was directed SE, towards central Germany.
388th B.G. Intelligence Report – Aphrodite Mission No. 13 30 October says:
“The first drone was taken out on course and no difficulty was encountered until the ships were about forty miles from the I.P. when the drone failed to respond to “Down” control.
This part of the task force continued to the I.P. without “Down” control being established. A mile or two North-East of the I.P. the drone was put on a heading of 135 degrees, at 1500 feet altitude, at 1323 o’clock and turned loose.”
26. November 2019 access_time 13:11
Thank you for sharing 🙂
09. August 2021 access_time 18:24
This is an impressive site, thanks for all hard work. Here is a link to a more detailed story about the specific project ragarding this crash.
The same site have a quite comprehensive list of crashes/forced landings by US (and other airplanes) in Sweden during the war. Quite a few in the list also have a link to more information including images. Link to the US list is here:
12. Mai 2022 access_time 12:34
Here’s my exact crash site. I can’t send my fotos from my visit.
Sincerely Staffan.
°12’19.4″N 12°26’15.4″E
15. Oktober 2024 access_time 18:15
I managed to dig up some parts before the whole location was turned into a quarry.
I have som pictures but have no idea how to include them in this message.