B-17F-15-DL: 42-3004 bis 42-3038
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 91st Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 324th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 201
Geschichte der
B-17 42-3031 / Nitemare
Delivered Cheyenne 20/1/43; Assigned 324BS/91BG [DF-F] Bassingbourn 19/4/43; Missing in Action Hamburg 26/7/43 with Jim Randall, Co-pilot: Vernon Brack, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: George Johnson, Waist gunner: Dave Ramsey, Waist gunner: Byron Brunty,Tail gunner: Chas Murray (6 Prisoner of War); Navigator: George Guy, Bombardier: Bob Cadilek, Radio Operator: John Monahan, Ball turret gunner: Bob Oyler (4 Killed in Action); sustained flak damage, dropped back crashed Nindorf, 10 miles SE of Rotenburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 201. NITEMARE.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 18. Mai 2021
B-17 42-3031 / Nitemare Details
Unser Flugzeug 031 wurde im Ziel (Hamburg) von der Flak getroffen und stürzte zunächst aus 27.000 ft. unkontrolliert ab. Der Pilot gewann offensichtlich die Kontrolle über das Flugzeug, da es anschließend in einem niedrigen, allmählichen Gleitflug an Höhe verlor, wobei es ungefähr dem Kurs der Formation folgte, aber notwendigerweise immer zurückfiel.
Das Flugzeug wurde zuletzt von der Besatzung von Flugzeug #679, dem letzten Flugzeug der gesamten Formation, einige Meilen südwestlich von Bremen auf einem Kurs identifiziert, der es ihm erlaubt hätte, die feindliche Küste südwestlich der Insel Bultrum zu überfliegen. Sie befand sich auf 3.000 Fuß und verlor nur an Höhe, während drei feindliche Flugzeuge sie angriffen. Nur drei Fallschirme wurden von den beiden Offizieren, die es zuletzt gesichtet hatten, 2nd Lt. James P. Motivoy und 2nd Lt. Chauncey He Hicke, aus diesem Flugzeug kommen sehen.
Quelle: MACR 201

B-17 42-3031 / Nitemare Crew
Position | Rang | Name | Status | Bemerkung |
P | 1LT | James W. Randall | POW | - |
CP | 2LT | Vernon O. Brack | POW | - |
NAV | 2LT | George M. Guy | KIA | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Robert C. Cadilek | KIA | - |
ENG/TT | T/SGT | George A. Johnson | POW | - |
RO | T/SGT | John E. Monahan | KIA | - |
BT | S/SGT | Robert L. Oyler | KIA | - |
WG | S/SGT | Byron L. Brunty | POW | - |
WG | S/SGT | David V. Ramsey | POW | - |
TG | S/SGT | Charles F. Murray | POW | - |
18. Mai 2021 access_time 7:27
Robert Oyler was my Uncle is there any pictures of the Nitemare and her crew? If there are were would I be able to see them
18. Mai 2021 access_time 17:31
I have researched this aircraft and crew for years. If you are interested in the full story please contact me.
19. Mai 2021 access_time 17:30
I would love to know anything you can tell me. I was recently given some letters Uncle Robert sent my Grandmother. He was funny loving and in those letters he did all he could to put my Grandparents minds at ease. I do know that his parachute failed. I have been told Nitemare flew with the Memphis Bell on her last war flight. Also according to the letters Nitemare was the prettiest and best plane to ever grace the sky. Thank you. Sorry to have rambled on
19. Mai 2021 access_time 17:53
Jing is going to send me your email address where I can send the information about your Uncle and his crew. I’d like to know more about your Uncle to be included in a revision of the story.
19. Mai 2021 access_time 20:28
Please send your email address to: Michael.yamada@sbcglobal.net
30. Juli 2021 access_time 21:43
Would you be willing to share the letters? Often it is possible to learn how individuals felt at different periods of the war. It helps understand the feelings of the crews as well.
19. August 2021 access_time 16:48
Hi Maggie. Any chance you would share some of the letters from Sgt Oyler with me? I’d like to add more about him to the story I’ve researched for many years about his crew. Thanks
19. August 2021 access_time 2:07
I would love to know more! My grandfather, Rendall, was the pilot!
19. August 2021 access_time 3:59
Mike, any information you could share would be great. My grandfather, James Rendall, was the pilot of this plane and I would love to know more!
20. August 2021 access_time 0:10
Nice to be talking with you Stephen. Even with over 300million people in the US we connected to share information about an airplane and crew from 70 years ago. Thanks to this site, and to the internet!
20. August 2021 access_time 7:43
I am glad my web site could help you guys to get connected 🙂
12. August 2021 access_time 1:34
Looking for family members of the 91st Bomb Group B-17 “Nitemare”. Pilot Rendall, Cadilek, Oyler, Navigator George Guy, and others. Lost July 26, 1943 on the Hamburg mission.
19. August 2021 access_time 2:07
I am the grandson of pilot Rendall!
19. August 2021 access_time 3:25
I know the family of James Rendall.
19. August 2021 access_time 16:46
Nice to hear from you Isabel. I am very interested to learn more about Lt Rendall. Please contact me at my email address here: Michael.yamada@sbcglobal.net
22. Oktober 2021 access_time 16:35
Would like to speak with family members of the “Rendall crew”. The story of this B-17 and her crew has been researched and documented for those who are interested please contact me. Thanks.
30. April 2022 access_time 15:32
If you are a relative of anyone on this crew please contact me. They should not be forgotten. Thanks, Mike Yamada
07. September 2023 access_time 15:50
Hello: John Monahan the radio operator was my great uncle. The interesting thing I found, and this is unverified, is that the fighter ace Otto Bach was credited with downing the Nitemare. Have you heard of this?