B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-3060

Delivered Tulsa 14/1/43; 548BS/385BG [GX-V] Dow Fd 15/6/43; Gt Ashfield 26/6/43; transferred 401BS/91BG [LL-G] Bassingbourn 3/9/43; Missing in Action 4m Solingen 1/12/43 with Chas Guinn, Co-pilot: Ken Fallek, Navigator: Bob Hornbeck, Bombardier: Sid Edelstein, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harry Wingate, Radio Operator: Bert Stieler, Ball turret gunner: Bill Rassmussen, Waist gunner: Chas Dyer, Waist gunner: Cecil Corner,Tail gunner: Gerry McDowell (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft KO’d #1 & #2, crash landed Boich, near five miles S of Duren, Ger. Despite crew’s attempts to ignite their ship, the Luftwaffe salvaged it for spares. Missing Air Crew Report 1319. HELL'S BELLE.