B-17F-115-BO: 42-30617 bis 42-30731
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 92nd Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 327th Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 42-30617 / Miss Billie
Delivered Cheyenne 29/6/43; Gore 30/6/43; Gr Isle 16/7/43; Dalhart 20/7/43; Gr Isle 26/7/43; Presque Is 2/8/43; Assigned 327BS/92BG [UX-N] Alconbury 21/8/43; Missing in Action Watten 27/8/43 with Winston Tucker, Co-pilot: Carl Carlson, Navigator: Joe Liebman, Bombardier: Tom Thompson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Dick Bragdon, Radio Operator: Dave Stewart, Ball turret gunner: Theo Thurston, Waist gunner: Lewis Kuhnz, Waist gunner: Cloe Crutchfield,Tail gunner: Bob Gailey (10 Returned to Duty); flak damage forced to ditch in The Channel, off Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK, all rescued by Air Sea Rescue launch. No MACR.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 19. Mai 2021
09. März 2023 access_time 1:32
My Uncle Theodore Thurston, 92 BG, 327 BS, was the BTG on The Miss Billie, 42-30617. Prior to that he was the BTG on Seymour Angel YB-40, 42-5734 from May 1943 to July 1943. After the Army Air Core did away with the YB-40 project he was on another B-17F model that they also called Seymour Angel. I have pictures of that aircraft from November and December 1943. I do not have the tail number of that aircraft.
13. Mai 2023 access_time 16:52
Randy – I’m staring at a photo of your uncle right now, under Miss Billie from 1943. If you ever get to Paso Robles California, go to a place called Joe’s Place. Have breakfast at the counter and sit in the furthest seat from the door. On the wall to the left will be your uncle watching you eat!