B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-31615

Delivered Cheyenne 27/11/43; Portland 28/11/43; Wendover 9/12/43; Presque Is 26/1/44; Assigned 748BS/457BG [N] Glatton 5/2/44; Missing in Action Hamburg 20/6/44 with Bill Bomer, Co-pilot: Jack Lade, Navigator: Chas Curione, Bombardier: Robin Hill, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Elwood Klien, Radio Operator: Dick Bohl (6 Prisoner of War); Ball turret gunner: Bill Kane, Waist gunner: Edwin Tengler,Tail gunner: Alby Leeming (3 Killed in Action); flak hits caused explosion, crashed partially in a swamp at Wardershof Altenwerder, near Hamburg; Missing Air Crew Report 6003. SNAFUSK SHAMROCK.