B-17F-50-DL: 42-3339 bis 42-3393
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 96th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 337th Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 42-3353 / Tar Fly
Delivered Denver 20/5/43; Dow Fd 7/7/43; Assigned 337BS/96BG [AW-L] Snetterton 13/7/43;MIA Beaumont Sur Oise 9/9/43 with Edwin Noordewier, Co-pilot: Herman Eitel, Navigator: Francis Kelly, Bombardier: Martin Gelman, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bill Sheaves, Radio Operator: W.B. Surratt, Waist gunner: Nathan Karpf, Waist gunner: Bill Garrett (8 Prisoner of War); Ball turret gunner: Orville Sloane,Tail gunner: Lonnie Ogle (2 Killed in Action); flak, crash landed W of Evreux, near Beaumont-Le-Roger, Fr. TAR FLY.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 16. März 2018
08. Februar 2022 access_time 2:50
This was my uncle’s plane
It crash landed in France, Sept 43 on way back from a mission to a bomb a Hispana- Souza factory outside of Paris. POW until end of war. There is an exhibit at the AF museum at Peterson AFB in Colorado Springs Co that contains his flight jacket, personal items and a R/C model of the TarFly.
08. Juni 2022 access_time 16:12
Hello Jim Sheaves. My uncle (by marriage) was Billy Garrett, the waist gunner on the Tar Fly. As I understand, on the day of the crash he was moved from the waist gunner to another spot…..maybe tail gunner. Because of this he survived. Unfortunately the man who was in his usual position was lost. Your uncle contacted Bill’s wife and daughter, who lived in La Junta, CO and invited them to a presentation at PAFB where he gave them a video tape of the Tar Fly that had been compiled by your uncle and a French man who, as a boy, witnessed the crash. This video was [posted on You Tube for a time but has been removed. I would love to obtain a copy. Bill’s family had this tape but hasn’t been able to find it. Thanks for any help you can provide!
03. Oktober 2023 access_time 15:30
Fred, I am Bill’s granddaughter(Bob’s daughter). We have a VHS that was copied for us and I think there is a DVD floating around. If you email me I can try and get you a copy! There is also an amazing interview with the Library of congress , if you haven’t seen it you may find it very interesting.
05. November 2023 access_time 15:16
Hello Brie ……. hope you get mu email. Thanks!!
16. März 2024 access_time 3:46
Hi Brie, Id love to have a copy of the DVD as well if you wouldn’t mind. Happy to pay for supplies and shipping.
10. Juni 2024 access_time 13:23
My Name is Ruby. Orville Anderson was my uncle. I am trying to get information. I understand you have a DVD of the crash. Please contact me…I willpay for a copy to be sent to me. If any other relatives of the crew read this, please respond. I just discovered this page.
Grateful for any information. Sincerely, Ruby
10. Juni 2024 access_time 14:19
Hello. I am Orville Slone’s niece, trying to get a copy of the DVD that was in circulation. I will be so grateful to hear from you..and more than happy to pay any expense involved.
sincerely, Ruby
11. Juni 2024 access_time 2:45
Orville Anderson Slone was my Uncle. I am so interested in locating a copy of this DVD that was in your possession. This is my 2nd message. I don’t know what happened to the first one. If you can respond i would be very grateful. Thanks. Ruby Slone Gundrum
10. Juni 2024 access_time 14:10
Orville Anderson Slone was my uncle. If there is a DVD still in circulation please let me know..I am just now finding this information. I will glady pay any expense involned
Sincerely, Ruby Slone Gundrum
16. März 2024 access_time 3:42
Hello! My great uncle was co-pilot Herman Eitel. He started the GI Cab Company with his pals when he came home but died a few years later in a plane crash in southern Ohio. I found photos he took in Paris and in the POW camp. I’m trying to learn more about his story and perhaps get him in the MAPS Air Museum in Canton.
20. April 2024 access_time 17:49
The wreckage of this aircraft appears in a German propaganda newsreel:
21. April 2024 access_time 15:23
Thank you for sharing this! I know you YouTube channel with great archive footages 🙂
28. April 2024 access_time 2:49
My pleasure, and thank you for creating and maintaining this database, it’s an excellent library that I refer to frequently.
10. Juni 2024 access_time 13:28
Orville Anderson Slone was my uncle. Please reply if you have details of the crash and his death. sincerely, Ruby