B-17F-45-VE: 42-6030 bis 42-6104
Geschichte der
B-17 42-6091
Delivered Long Beach 18/7/43; Cheyenne 22/7/43; 247 BU Smoky Hill 9/6/44; 273 BU Lincoln 12/8/44; 247 BU Smoky Hill 30/8/44; to Dalhart with Floyd Brunn force landed after problems over gunnery range at Alamagordo, NM 2/10/43; 235 BU Biggs 6/10/44; 4202 BU Syracuse 3/4/45; 593 BU Charleston 28/10/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 7/11/45.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 7. März 2019
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