B-17G-75-BO: 43-37874 bis 43-38073
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 486th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 834th Bomb Squadron
- RCL: 2S-R
MACR: 11047 / KSU/ME/KU: 3446
Einsätze: 34
Geschichte der
B-17 43-37944 / Mr Tacoma
Delivered Cheyenne 8/6/44; Kearney 20/6/44; Dow Fd 9/7/44; Assigned 834BS/486BG [2S-R] Sudbury 11/7/44; {34m} Missing in Action Merseburg 6/12/44 with Bob Miller, Edmund Barcikowski, Fred Kinsler, Dick Hobgood, Marion Taylor, Bill Effinger, Jim Mathis, Frank Ward, Stan Pavlic (9 Prisoner of War); flak, crashed Uuddorp, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 11047. MR TACOMA.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. August 2023
B-17 43-37944 / Mr Tacoma Details
Aussagen von Augenzeugen
Lt. Fuscos Crew berichtete, dass sie dieses Flugzeug auf 5149N-1056E in 22000 Fuß Höhe gesehen hat, das Rauch hinter sich herzieht und an Höhe und Geschwindigkeit verliert. Zwei Jäger eskortieren das Flugzeug.
Die Crew von Lt. Lovan sah #944 im Zielgebiet zurückfallen. Es war ein Düppelflugzeug, das 2000 Fuß unter dem Führungsflugzeug flog. Die Flak über dem Ziel war präzise bis ungenaue intensiv Cp- und Sperrfeuer-Flak. Die Besatzung sah #944 zurückfallen und schloss sich nie wieder der Formation an.
Quelle: MACR 11047

B-17 43-37944 / Mr Tacoma Crew
Position | Rang | Name | Status | Bemerkung |
P | 2LT | Robert C. Miller | POW | - |
CP | 2LT | Edmund T. Barcikovski | POW | - |
NAV | F/O | Fred C. Kinsler | POW | - |
ENG/TT | T/SGT | Richard M. Hobgood | POW | - |
RO | T/SGT | Marion W. Taylor | POW | - |
BT | SGT | William F. Effinger | POW | - |
WG | SGT | Frank Ward | POW | - |
WG | SGT | Jim Mathis | POW | - |
TG | SGT | Stan Pavlic | POW | - |
11. April 2018 access_time 3:40
Thanks ..This helps piece together the story that my Dad and most others from from his generation would not talk about.. Christopher J Kinsler Col. USAF ret
17. August 2020 access_time 13:16
My Uncle Stan was the Tail Gunner As a kid I asked him questions about what it was like? My Aunt told me he would have nightmares after So I didn’t ask anymore
06. Dezember 2022 access_time 5:11
My grandfather, William Effinger, was a gunner on Mr. Tacoma with your dad. If you would like pictures, and more information please contact me. In later years my grandfather told their story and even went to visit the town the plane went down. The town has parts of the plane in a museum and a memorial set up for our family members. We are still on contact with some of the people that made having the memorial possible.
09. März 2021 access_time 21:18
have a look overhere https://db.wingstovictory.nl/database_detail.php?wtv_id=463