42-3429 / Flak House
Delivered Denver 12/6/43; Kearney 20/7/43; Assigned 544BS/384BG [SU-F] Grafton Underwood 11/8/43; 1 Base Air Depot, Burtonwood 8/6/44; Returned to the USA 19/6/44, then LU RTO A6F Phillips 29/11/44. FLAK HOUSE.
Delivered Denver 12/6/43; Kearney 20/7/43; Assigned 544BS/384BG [SU-F] Grafton Underwood 11/8/43; 1 Base Air Depot, Burtonwood 8/6/44; Returned to the USA 19/6/44, then LU RTO A6F Phillips 29/11/44. FLAK HOUSE.
Delivered Long Beach 27/8/43; Scott 5/10/43; Assigned 332BS/94BG [XM- ] Rougham 11/10/43; Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44 with John Cota, Co-pilot: Chas Salzer, Navigator: Sam Moore, Bombardier: John Blevins, Radio Operator: Jesse Hennington, Ball turret gunner: Warren Davis, Waist gunner: Howard Shanks, Waist gunner: John Trautman (8 Prisoner of War); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Dick Johnson,Tail gunner: Harry Johnson (2 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed Gardessen, eight miles E of Brunswick, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 1886.
Delivered Cheyenne 5/4/43; Bangor 27/5/43; Assigned 350BS/100BG [LN-V]Thorpe Abbotts 9/6/43; Missing in Action Schweinfurt (Regensburg) 17/8/43 with Ron Hollenbeck, Co-pilot: John Williams, Navigator: Harry Weintraub, Bombardier: Zeke Buckner, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Rush Mintz, Radio Operator: Emile Reimherr, Ball turret gunner: John Pachiotti, Waist gunner: Glen Keirsey, Waist gunner: Bill Rouse,Tail gunner: Tom Flounders (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft hit ship in bomb bay, and #4 feathered, crashed in mountains at Ghedi, 12 miles S of Brescia, It., heading for North Africa. Missing Air Crew Report 676. FLAK HAPPY.
Delivered Cheyenne 8/2/44; Gr Island 23/2/44; Presque Is 11/3/44; to Prestwick, UK, slated 447BG, Assigned 360BS/303BG [PU-I] Molesworth 26/3/44; Missing in Action Magdeburg 28/9/44 with Bill Miller, Co-pilot: John Hill, Waist gunner: Tony Zelnio(wia) (3 Prisoner of War); Navigator: Arthur Conn, Bombardier: Teddy Smith, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Leo Waldron, Radio Operator: Frank Posada, Ball turret gunner: Warren Ball,Tail gunner: Calvin Turkington (6 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft KO’d #1 & #2, crashed Wittmar, SE of Wolfenbuttel, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 9410. MISS UMBRIAGO.
Delivered Denver 26/2/43; Gore 9/3/43; Duncan 31/3/43; Assigned 412BS/95BG [QW-P] Framlingham 13/6/43; 1m, transferred 407/327BS/92BG [UX-S/U] Alconbury 17/6/43; in a slight mid-air collision with 42-3184 (92) on 21/7/43 with Tom Hullings; Missing in Action Schweinfurt 17/8/43 with Jim Stewart, Co-pilot: Leon Landers, Navigator: Frank Smith, Bombardier: Chas Henderson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Dan Carlisle, Radio Operator: Elmer Collins, Ball turret gunner: John Wasche, Waist gunner: Steve Solga, Waist gunner: Gerry Swanger,Tail gunner: Chas Lewis (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed Eifel, near Bonn, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 653.
Delivered Dallas 20/9/43; Scott 4/10/43; Wilmington 7/10/43; Assigned 535BS/381BG [MS-R] Ridgewell 19/10/43; Missing in Action Leverkusen 1/12/43 with Don Noxon, Co-pilot: George Giovannini, Navigator: Edison Eichhorn, Bombardier: Walt Utley, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Pete Ludwigsen, Radio Operator: Toby Phillips, Ball turret gunner: John Thompson, Waist gunner: Harry Thompson, Waist gunner: Paul Mogush,Tail gunner: John Channell (10 Killed in Action); flak damage, believed to have come down in seas on return. Missing Air Crew Report 1659. FOUR ACES – PAT HAND.
Delivered Cheyenne 15/3/43; Gore 19/3/43; Dyersburg 30/3/43; with Frank Spino force landed Smoky Hill 3/4/43; Amarillo 9/4/43; Albuquerque 16/4/43; Amarillo 19/4/43; Gr Island 6/9/43; Assigned 393BG Kearney 1/8/43; with Bob Kehm force landed two miles E Osborne, KS 13/9/43; Tinker 18/11/43; 273 BU Lincoln 23/6/43; 236 BU Pyote 30/7/44; 221 BU Alexandra 4/10/44; 329 BU Alexandra 1/3/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 29/10/45.
Delivered Denver 11/7/43; Grenier 18/8/43; Assigned 812BS/482BG [MI-G] Alconbury 20/8/43 (H2-X); Missing in Action Berlin 6/3/44 with Maj Fred Rabo, Co-pilot: John Morgan, Ball turret gunner: Bill Westcott, Waist gunner: Steve Keaton (4 Prisoner of War); Navigator: Capt John Crotty{385BG}, rad/nav-Capt Ken Klotz, Bombardier: Capt Lou Dentoni, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Francis Foote, to-Tom Kon, Waist gunner: Ed Friesorger,Tail gunner: Lt Walter Regoli{385BG}, Mis/CO-Col Russell Wilson{4BW} (6 Killed in Action); flak hit, ship broke up and crashed Lake Harvel, near Berlin, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 3362.
Delivered Boeing (by land) 17/6/43 (H2X); Wright Fd 5/7/43; Rome 21/7/43; Patterson 3/8/43; Kansas City 8/8/43; Gd Island 22/9/43; Assigned 812BS/482BG [MI-L] Alconbury 30/9/43; Missing in Action Brunswick 21/2/44 with Capt Gerald Binks (Com P, evd. then arrested Liege 27/5/44), Co-pilot: John Baber, Navigator: Ed Horner, Bombardier: Bill Barrett, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Tom Kennedy, Radio Operator: Steve Martin, Ball turret gunner: Henry Raemer, Waist gunner: Bruce Long,Tail gunner: Bill Blake (9 Prisoner of War); Ex nav-Charles Haupt, Ex nav-Joel Punches (ret UK 15/9/44), Waist gunner: Harry Booth (3 evaded capture); p-Ralph Holcombe (KIA-body washed up 04/05/44); mech problem, two engines out, on return attacked by Fw 190 over Zwolle ditched in lake IJsselmeer, nine kilometers SW of Harderwijk, Netherlands; Missing Air Crew Report 2470. CRAZY HORSE. (Remains recovered August 1970.)
Delivered Cheyenne 6 June 1944; Kearney 16 June 1944; Grenier 30 June 1944; Assigned 833BS/486BG [3R-G] Sudbury 2 July 1944; 36 missions flown. Missing in Action Merseburg 6 December 1944. Pilot : Bruce C. Alexander; Co-Pilot Charles B. Bryson; Navigator Roy J. Sykora; Bombardier Walter C. Hummel; Engineer / Top Turret Gunner Roy L. Henry; Radio Operator Robert C. Cooke; Ball Turret Gunner Isadore Wolstein; Waist Gunner Dwight K. Shurtleff; Tail Gunner Chester Zolynski (9 Killed in Action). Flak, crashed Ijmuiden, The Netherlands. Missing Air Crew Report – MACR 11048. THE LAST ROUNDUP.
Delivered Cheyenne 23/3/44; Gr Island 12/45/44; Dow Fd 28/4/44; Assigned 708BS/447BG Rattlesden 30/4/44; Missing in Action Merseburg 6/12/44 with Howard DeMallie, Chas Olson, Don Holmes, Howard Derp, Lowell Strain, Henry Rutkowski, Loel Bishop (7 Prisoner of War); Dick Fuller (evaded capture); Joe Marlowe (Killed in Action); flak, crashed Ronduite, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 11052. BLANC DIABLO.
Delivered Tulsa 5/5/44; Hunter 16/5/44; Dow Fd 24/5/44; Assigned 547BS/384BG [SO-P] Grafton Underwood 4/6/44; Missing in Action Cologne 28/1/45 with Oakley Jackson, John Calkins, Leon Lucas, Keith Haight, Paul Senchuk, Vince Kelly, Jim Phelps (7 evaded capture); Allen Ziner, Gaetano Cappiello (2 Prisoner of War); flak, crashed Ossenzijl, Holl; Missing Air Crew Report 11990. SLEEPY LAGOON.
Delivered Vandalia 21/10/43; Bunker Hill 10/11/43; Denver 20/11/43; Gt Falls 10/12/43; Nutts Corner (Belfast) 5/1/44; Assigned 730BS/452BG [6K- ] Deopham Green 6/1/44; Missing in Action Leipzig 12/4/44 with Leland Evers, Navigator: Jules Jacobs, Bombardier: Gene Tully, Radio Operator: Stan Folcikbody was found in Channel 26/6/44 and buried, Brookwood, UK, Ball turret gunner: Fred Barnes,Tail gunner: Bob Langheier (6 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Ed Kaminsky, Waist gunner: Willis Junnila, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bob Givensplunged 12,000 ft before ‘chute opened, Waist gunner: Matt Hunter (4RTD- picked up by RAF Walrus L2289 of 277Sqd off Orfordness, Suffolk); mech fault en route to target, aircraft stalled and broke up, ditched North Sea, off Clacton, Essex. Missing Air Crew Report 3933. THREE CADS AND A LAD.
Delivered Cheyenne 21/9/43; Gr Island 6/10/43; Assigned 562BS/388BG Knettishall 25/10/43; Missing in Action Brunswick 10/2/44 with Jim Feeney{not found till 25/2/44}, Radio Operator: Norman Kajut, Waist gunner: Marion Forbis,Tail gunner: Lou LeFevre (4 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Sam Gundy, Navigator: Sam Simon, Bombardier: John Drickson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Chas Ball, Ball turret gunner: Walt Lennons, Waist gunner: Joe Smith, foto-Oscar Land (7 Prisoner of War); flak, on return crashed Hoogendijk, near Uitgeest, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 2348. HELL’S BELLS.
Delivered Cheyenne 9/2/43; Pueblo 19/2/43; Salina 24/2/43; Brookley 19/3/43; Smoky Hill 23/3/43; Dow Fd 15/4/43; Assigned 332BS/94BG [XM-B] Bassingbourn 20/4/43; Earls Colne 12/5/43; Rougham 13/6/43; Transferred 327BS/92BG [UX-K] Alconbury 3/8/43; Transferred 524BS/379BG [WA-H] Kimbolton 4/9/43; then 526BS [LF-H]; Missing in Action Osnabruck 22/12/43 with Ed Mueller, Co-pilot: Carl Helton, Navigator: Pascal Lynott, Bombardier: Turley Bird, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: George Emery, Radio Operator: Jesse Hembree, Ball turret gunner: Joe Kampf, Waist gunner: Ransom Jacobs, Waist gunner: Herman Thomas,Tail gunner: Bob Blankenship (10 Killed in Action); ditched North Sea, near Frisian Island. Missing Air Crew Report 1718. LITTLE MINNIE.
Delivered Denver 11/8/43; Gr Island 3/9/43; Assigned 322BS/91BG [LG-T] Bassingbourn 24/9/43; Missing in Action Osnabruck 22/12/43 with Ed Steel, Co-pilot: Bill Myers, Navigator: Bob Emmick, Bombardier: Fred Weyerts, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Henry Holderbach, Radio Operator: George Harris, Waist gunner: Howard Thornlew, Waist gunner: Elmer Tobia,Tail gunner: Jim Lane (9 Prisoner of War), Ball turret gunner: Gerald Glaze (KIA-bailed out but drowned in North Sea); enemy aircraft, crashed on Hoogovens foundry at Vesel, near Ijmuiden, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 1715.
Delivered Cheyenne to 3/4/43; Sioux City 14/4/43; Kearney 4/5/43; Bangor 23/5/43; Assigned to the 547BS/384BG [SO-V] Grafton Underwood on 29 May 1943; Missing in Action Frankfurt 4 October 1943 with Giles Felker Kauffman, Co-pilot: George Molnar, Navigator: Frank Pogorzelski, Bombardier: James J. Lacroix, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: William Jarrell, Radio Operator: Jules Theodore Beck, Ball turret gunner: Jacob M. Martinez, Waist gunner: Paul Spodar, Waist gunner: Peter Seniansky,Tail gunner: Stanley Thomas Reuben (10 Returned to Duty); ditched North Sea, all rescued by HM drifter ‘Lord Keith’. No MACR. RUTHLESS.
Delivered Denver 23/8/43; Assigned 410BS/94BG Rougham 10/10/43; transferred 563BS/388BG Knettishall 11/10/43; Missing in Action Munster 22/12/43 with Webster Bull, Co-pilot: Leavitt Hobbs{body recovered 11//2/44}, Navigator: Albt Bendix, Bombardier: Loran Gunderson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Angel Pasque, Radio Operator: Howard Riley, Ball turret gunner: Chester Rush{body recovered 20/3/44}, Waist gunner: Rudi Marsilio{body recovered 23/6/44} (8 Killed in Action); Waist gunner: John Rogowski,Tail gunner: Tom Wesson (2 Prisoner of War); mechanical fault, ditched in SW of Ijsselmeer, Hol; Missing Air Crew Report 3148. FULL HOUSE.
Delivered Cheyenne 11/8/43; Gr Isle 31/8/43; Assigned 337BS/96BG [AW-R] Snetterton 9/9/43; Missing in Action Bremen 16/12/43 with Lew Kerrick, Co-pilot: George Bleyle, Navigator: Lloyd Thompson, Bombardier: Floyd Eakman, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Alton Walker, Radio Operator: Ray Wright, Ball turret gunner: Don Denmead, Waist gunner: Chas Wilder, Waist gunner: Stan Maruso,Tail gunner: Ben Haynes (10 Killed in Action); hit by engine shot off from above then mid air coll with 42-31113 (96BG); crashed North Sea; Missing Air Crew Report 1565. BLOND BOMBER (OLE PUSS).
Delivered Dallas 21/9/43; Scott 3/10/43; Wilmington 7/10/43; Assigned 339BS/96BG Snetterton 15/10/43; on familiarization flight 22/10/43 with Bruce O’Dell, Co-pilot: Chas May, Navigator: Chas Setilmeyer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Louis Shaney, Radio Operator: Marion King (5 Returned to Duty); pilot forgot to lower u/c and crash landed base; Missing in Action Bremen 16/12/43; engine shot off and hit aircraft below then mid air coll with 42-30872 (96BG), crashed North Sea, W of Terschelling Is. Hol; Missing Air Crew Report 1564. ZILCH.
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