B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies

Die Boeing B-17 Fliegende Festung im Zweiten Weltkrieg mit einer Datenbank über das Schicksal jeder einzelnen Maschine.

“Das beste Kampfflugzeug, das jemals gebaut wurde. Sie konnte die meisten Schäden verkraften und blieb immer noch in der Luft.”
General Ira C. Eaker

Featured B-17s


Zuletzt aktualisierte B-17 in der Datenbank

B-17 #42-39798 / Bucket O’ Bolts

B-17 #42-39798 / Bucket O’ Bolts

Delivered Long Beach 4/9/43; Assigned 535BS/381BG [MS-L] Ridgewell 23/1/44; transferred 837BS/487BG Lavenham 17/7/44, then 838BS; retUS 1377 BU Grenier 24/9/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 14/12/45. BUCKET O’ BOLTS.

B-17 #42-29555 / Centaur

B-17 #42-29555 / Centaur

Delivered Denver 3/1/43; Salina 9/1/43; Tinker 26/2/43; Assigned 422BS/305BG [JJ-Y/D] Chelveston 6/4/43; Missing in Action Hannover 28/9/43 with Capt Harvey Rodgers, Radio Operator: Frank Lang, Waist gunner: Joe Lickose, Waist gunner: Marvin Sirus (4 Prisoner of War), Co-pilot: Lou Bower, Navigator: George McClintic, Bombardier: Curtis Reese, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ed Yozgadlian, Ball turret gunner: Joe Mahoney,Tail gunner: Malvern Heatherington{never found} (6 Killed in Action); shot down by enemy aircraft, crashed Landringhausen, S of Wunsdortf, 11 miles SW of Hannover, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 906. (First B-17 lost on night mission). CENTAUR.

B-17 #42-3356 / Mayfly

B-17 #42-3356 / Mayfly

Delivered Denver 23/5/43; Dow Fd 4/7/43; Assigned 548BS/385BG [GX-U] Gt Ashfield 9/7/43; Returned to the USA Bradley 3/7/44; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 14/8/45. MAYFLY.

B-17 #43-38689

B-17 #43-38689

Delivered Fairfield 4/9/44; Hunter 25/9/44; Grenier 3/10/44; Assigned 601BS/398BG Nuthampstead 11/10/44; transferred 427BS/303BG [GN-A] Molesworth 28/10/44; Missing in Action Germersheim 13/1/45 with pilot 2Lt Oliver T Eisenhart, copilot 2Lt Henry McCullough, Navigator 2Lt Maurice Merrick, Bombardier F/O Herring Joyce, Flight Eng S/Sgt Sam Hindman, Radio Sgt Bernie Kaufmann, Ball turret Sgt Bill Kimber, Waist gun Sgt Jack Thompson, tail gun Sgt Therman Conaway (9 Killed in Action); direct flak hit in the tail, crashed Roxheim, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 11574.

B-17 #38-584

B-17 #38-584

Delivered Salt Lake City 7-Sep-40; Lowry 24-Jul-43; to Class 26 Hobbs. NM ; Written off 17-Oct-43. It was one of the aircraft that played the part of B-17 ‘Mary-Ann’ in the film ‘Air Force’, which was released in 1943 by Warner Bros.

B-17 #44-8776

B-17 #44-8776

Delivered Cheyenne 21/12/44; Hunter 4/1/45; Dow Fd 21/1/45; Assigned as PFF 350BS/100BG [LN-U] Thorpe Abbotts 23/1/45; RetUS, Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 5/1/46.

B-17 #44-8532 / Kleen Sweep aka Little Sweetheart

B-17 #44-8532 / Kleen Sweep aka Little Sweetheart

Delivered Lincoln 9/10/44; Grenier 23/10/44; Assigned 482BG H2X Alconbury 25/10/44; transferred 349BS/100BG [XR-G] Thorpe Abbotts 27/10/44 (npo) KLEEN SWEEP; damaged when parked and hit in taxi accident at 40ADG Stansted by 43-39042; 482BG Alconbury 20/5/45; Returned to the USA Bradley 4/6/45; Sth Plains 8/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 26/11/44; LITTLE SWEETHEART.

B-17 #44-8486

B-17 #44-8486

Delivered Dallas 25/9/44; Hunter 24/10/44; Dow Fd 31/10/44; Assigned 305BG Chelveston 1/11/44; transferred 418BS/100BG [LD-P] Thorpe Abbotts 3/11/44; RetUS, Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 28/12/45.

B-17 #44-8226 / Jumbo

B-17 #44-8226 / Jumbo

Delivered Dallas 14/7/44; Langley 17/8/44; Grenier 14/9/44; Assigned 95BG PFF Horham 25/9/44; 1m, transferred 350BS/100BG [LN-B] Thorpe Abbotts 26/9/44; Returned to the USA Bradley 2/7/45; with Rich Voight to Tulsa, OK, 5/7/45; Independence 24/8/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 21/12/45. JUMBO.

B-17 #44-6841

B-17 #44-6841

Delivered Hunter 27/11/44; Grenier 7/12/44; Assigned 349BS/100BG [XR-H] Thorpe Abbotts 12/12/44; Returned to the USA Bradley 22/6/45; Sth Plains 24/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 20/12/45. (npo) WOODY WOODPECKER.