B-17G-30-DL: 42-38084 bis 42-38213
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 2nd Bomb Group
- 99th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 20th Bomb Squadron
- 347th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 8110
Einsätze: 65
Geschichte der
B-17 42-38096 / Big Time
Delivered Denver 10/12/43; Memphis 4/1/44; Morrison 6/1/44; Assigned 347BS/99BG Tortorella 9/1/44; {7m} transferred 20BS/2BG Amendola 28/3/44; Missing in Action Moravska Ostrava 29/8/44 with Thayne Thomas, Navigator: Bill McDonough (2 evaded capture); Co-pilot: Carl Goodman, Bombardier: Rich Hartman, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bob Brown, Radio Operator: Bill Mayes, Radio Operator: Bob Flahive, Waist gunner: Jim Johnson, Waist gunner: Jerome Bauman,Tail gunner: Dudley Standridge (8 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed Vsetin, Czech; Missing Air Crew Report 8110. BIG TIME.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 29. Mai 2020
B-17 42-38096 / Big Time Crew
Position | Rang | Name | Status | Bemerkung |
P | 2LT | Thayne L. Thomas | EVD | - |
CP | 2LT | Carl S. Goodman | KIA | - |
NAV | 2LT | William M. McDonough | KIA | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Richard P. Hartman | KIA | - |
ENG/TT | S/SGT | Robert L. Brown | KIA | - |
RO | SGT | William R. Mays | KIA | - |
BT | SGT | Robert J. Flahive | KIA | - |
WG | SGT | James J. Johnson | KIA | - |
WG | SGT | Jerome Bauman | KIA | - |
TG | SGT | Dudley E. Standridge | KIA | - |
25. Juni 2020 access_time 21:40
There were 9 KIA and only one survivor – the first pilot 2/Lt. Thayne L. Thomas. He escaped with the help of partizans to Banska Bystrica airport (Slovakia) where he was picked up, together with other downed airmen, by 2 B-17s diring an OSS secret mission on Sept. 17, 1944.
25. Juni 2020 access_time 21:41
Thank you Roman!
You have a great and wonderful web site!
19. Juli 2020 access_time 21:54
Thank you Jing. Your web is very informative too!
28. Juni 2020 access_time 6:00
My uncle was William r mays, radio operator
19. Juli 2020 access_time 22:03
Dave, this plane crashed 3 miles away from my born town. Do you have any pics or documents related to your uncle? I’d like to add it to our web in his memory. You can contact me at roman.susil@gmail.com or on FB in a group named Mission 263. Thank you.
19. Juli 2020 access_time 22:34
My Uncle Dudley Standridge was tail gunner. Please contact me. We have a lot to talk about. You can call me at 210-413-6570 or email me at paul@zzzcorp.com